FSI Spanish Basic Course 24
Level 2 Unit 24
- $1.99
- $1.99
Publisher Description
COMPLETE LEVEL 1 (units 1-15) , COMPLETE LEVEL 2 (units 16-30) and COMPLETE LEVEL 3 (units 31-45) are also available as ONE-BOOK editions.
Please search for them on Apple Books.
¿Habla español?
Speak Spanish fluently!
FSI Spanish Basic Course is the most comprehensive and systematic Spanish course ever produced.
This new edition allows you to use this course to its full potential.
FSI Spanish Basic Course is the perfect complement to any other Spanish learning material.
It will help you master a large basic vocabulary and practice all aspects of Spanish grammar.
Listen, learn, and repeat the dialogues.
Practice the drills at your own pace.
In no time, you will be speaking Spanish fluently.
This carefully designed book includes:
• three separate audio recordings: listen, learn, repeat
• pop-over translations and notes
• pop-over vocabulary breakdown
• clear grammatical tables
• recorded example sentences
• wide variety of short drills: substitution, response, translation, and much more
• drill answers that can be shown or hidden
• for review and reading practice
• preceded by a list of cognate loan words for effective preparation
Each book also includes all the iBooks built-in features. You can:
• look up the definition of words in Spanish and Spanish-English dictionaries
• practice dialogue sentences and grammar examples with flashcards
• bookmark pages, highlight passages and make notes
• sync bookmarks, highlights and notes with your other devices
• and more
This book will help you make the most of the delightful FSI Spanish Basic Course, and learn Spanish with ease and speed.
¡Buena suerte!