Why I Believe the Bible
Reasonable Affirmation That Everything in the Bible Is True
Publisher Description
All scripture is given by inspiration of God – 2 Timothy 3:16
The world has been hunting during all these centuries for something better than the Bible and has not yet discovered it. And the thing that has been, will continue to be. Dreamers will still dream on; undevout thinkers will pursue their hopeless quest; kings and potentates will continue their search for a new and better religion as they have done by the light of Smithfield fires and the burning of heretics.
But thoughtful and reverent men and women will go on loving their Bibles. The troubled will run for comfort to this shelter as to the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Sinners will search the Scriptures for a clear hope of salvation and find it under the cross. For there is no weapon in the arsenal of unbelief that can prevail against the “Yea” and “Amen” of the living God.
List of Chapters
1. The Antecedent Presumption
2. The Claim: Is It Verified?
3. An Unaccountable Unity
4. Its Completeness
5. Its Sufficiency
6. Its Literary Value
7. Its Up-to-Dateness
8. Its Tone of Authority
9. Its Trustworthiness
10. Its Influence on Personal Life
11. Its Influence on National Life
12. Its Place in the Forefront of Events
13. It Is Christ’s Book
14. Excursus: A Hypothetical Story
15. It Is the Church’s Book
16. It Is Everybody’s Book
17. Its System of Doctrine
18. Its Moral Code
19. Its Plan of Salvation
20. Its Enemies
21. Its Indestructibility