Portraits of a Destructive Passion
4.7 • 3 Ratings
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Publisher Description
Radical liberals want to make America a better place, but their utopian social engineering leads, ironically, to greater human suffering. So argues David Horowitz, bestselling author in his newest book Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion.
From Karl Marx to Barack Obama, Horowitz shows how the idealistic impulse to make the world “a better place” gives birth to the twin cultural pathologies of cynicism and nihilism, and is the chief source of human suffering. A former liberal himself, Horowitz recounts his own brushes with radicalism and offers unparalleled insight into the disjointed ideology of liberal elites through case studies of well-known radial leftists, including Christopher Hitchens, feminist Bettina Aptheker , leftist academic Cornel West, and more.
Exploring the origin and evolution of radical liberals and their progressive ideology, Radicals illustrates how liberalism is not only intellectually crippling for its adherents, but devastating to society.
In this searing critique of liberalism, Horowitz examines the ideologies and hypocrisies of leftist icons of the latter half of the 20th century, including Christopher Hitchens, Bettina Aptheker, Cornel West, and Saul Alinsky. For each, he traces the flaws, inconsistencies, and disastrous results of following these leaders, as well as the threats that their ideologies represent. John McLain provides powerful narration. His deep voice and assertive but genial tone create a sense of authority. McLain's timing and emphasis also strengthen the book's content by teasing out the nuances of Horrowitz's arguments and making the ideas easier to comprehend. A Regnery hardcover.