The prophete Ionas with an introduccion
Publisher Description
This is a bible book. The scripture hath a body with out/within a soule/sprite & life. It hath [with] out a barke/ a shell ād as it were an hard bone for [the] fleshly mynded to gnaw vppon. And within it hath pith/cornell/ mary & all swetnesse for Gods electe which he hath chosen to geve them his spirite/ & to write his law & [the] faith of his sonne in their hertes. The scripture cōteyneth. Thīges in it first [the] law to cōdemne all flesh: secōdaryly [the] Gospell/ [that] is to saye/ promises of mercie for all [that] repent & knowlege their sinnes at the preachīge of [the] law & cōsent in their hertes that the law is good/submitte them selues to be scolers to lern to kepe the lawe & to lerne to beleue [the] mercie that is promised thē: & thridly the stories liues of those scolars/ both what chaunces fortuned the/also by what meanes their schoolmaster taught thē and made them perfecte/how he tried the true from the false.