Oxford History of the United States

Richard White y otros
Serie • 14 libros • Historia de Estados Unidos
Battle Cry of Freedom Battle Cry of Freedom
James M. McPherson
The World of Myth The World of Myth
David Adams Leeming
The Republic for Which It Stands The Republic for Which It Stands
Richard White
Years of Peril and Ambition Years of Peril and Ambition
George C. Herring
The American Century and Beyond The American Century and Beyond
George C. Herring
Grand Expectations Grand Expectations
James T. Patterson
Restless Giant Restless Giant
James T. Patterson
The American People in World War II The American People in World War II
David M. Kennedy
From Colony to Superpower From Colony to Superpower
George C. Herring
The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789 The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789
Robert Middlekauff