Legalized It! Legalized It!

Legalized It‪!‬

Inside Colorado and Washington State’s Historic Votes to End Marijuana Prohibition, and Other Tales of Adventure from a Fully-Embedded High Times Reporter

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Descripción editorial

In Legalized It!, David Bienenstock, author of The Official High Times Pot Smoker’s Handbook (Chronicle Books), takes you to the front lines of the War on Marijuana for an insider’s look at two states that just voted to end cannabis prohibition.


After approving ballot initiatives allowing possession, cultivation and commercial sales of marijuana, Colorado and Washington State now stand poised to make history, if only the federal government will get out of their way. Meanwhile, support for ending America’s longest and most senseless “war” has never been higher nationwide, so it’s no longer a question of if, but rather where and when, pot legalization will happen next. Which means there’s never been a better time to take the road-trip of a lifetime with HIGH TIMES’ West Coast Editor as he looks forward to a bright-green future of fully legal weed.

Legalized It! also features a decade’s worth of HIGH TIMES field reports from this fully-embedded marijuana reporter, including exclusive interviews with Edward Norton, Paul Rudd, Jeremy Piven, Rob Van Dam, Alex Lifeson, Scott Weiland, The Trailer Park Boys, Kinky Friedman, and many leading voices in the marijuana community, plus off-the-grid visits to remote marijuana farms, ganja-globbetrekking adventures on three continents, and a comprehensive examination of medical marijuana as growing movement that’s saving lives and changing the world.

About the Author: 

David Bienenstock is a writer, editor and digital film director currently employed as the West Coast Editor of High Times magazine. The author of The Official High Times Pot Smoker's Handbook (Chronicle Books, 2008) has traveled around the world to write about cannabis sativa, interviewing rock stars, scientists, growers, dealers, prisoners, politicians and philosophers, while covering everything from the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam to the biggest pot fields in Vancouver, Canada. He also directed the best selling marijuana cultivation DVD of all time (Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow), and its sequel, shot on location in Spain.

Política y actualidad
10 de diciembre
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