My Parrots My Parrots

My Parrots

Significant Spiritual Experiences

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Descripción editorial

In this photo-studded narrative, Swamiji regales us with his intimate and entertaining spiritual experiences with his pet parrots at the newly inaugurated aviary, Shuka Vana, located at his ashram in Mysore, India. Readers will be awe struck by his invaluable insights about parrots both in their physical and esoteric aspects.

Sage and seer, His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji, the Founder of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore, India, is recognized far and wide for his extraordinary vision and compassionate heart. In this silver jubilee year of his worldwide Concerts of Music for Healing and Meditation, he has published his authoritative research compendium, Raga Ragini Nada Yoga, which reveals the secret behind the curative powers of his music, both vocal, and instrumental. 

Swamiji has zeroed in on the particularly soothing and healing effects of birds and their sounds on humans. Parrots have capabilities not only for mimicking human speech and songs, but, he believes are perhaps the source of man's initial foray into areas of communication.

Swamiji declares, based on ancient Indian texts, that parrots have the ability to convey essential nourishment to departed human souls. He shares with us hitherto unknown significant facts about parrots according to Numerology, Astrology, Musicology, and Yoga.

Swamiji blows the siren that birds are vital to the existence of the human race and that their alarmingly diminishing numbers in recent times do not bode well. He urges the halting of needless deforestation and pollution of the atmosphere. He appeals for a better informed, sensitive, reverential, and friendly treatment of the avian species.

Ciencia y naturaleza
26 de mayo
Datta Yoga Center
Datta Yoga Center