Religion Separates Man From God Religion Separates Man From God

Religion Separates Man From God

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Religion weakens. Few are strong enough to minimize religion.
My mind plays a rock soul tune from my youth, while I admit I should minimize religious terms: 'Oh my lord to be near you, to be free, oh lord.'
If prayers stop you thinking are you easier to manipulate, and have your conscience suppressed.
This is a place from which to make better decisions and have a better outlook on life.
Good or Bad, success or failure, nothing is wasted.
If you long for a world free of abuse: minimize Religion.
Religion is at a cost that we pay every day, often with shortened lives.
President Trump tweets his concern about North Korea. I respond and tweet back, 'Vietnam warns Religious countries not to war against non Religious countries. 'It' is unlikely to be on their side if they do.'
I loose my Dad April 2017. He could be rude, short tempered, offensive, and unforgiving: exasperated in later years by Diabetes, Dementia, other ailments and a lifetime of discrimination and abuse. He liked to play Religious Hymns on his Hammond Organ and regularly attended church and bible study until his health started to fail. I decide soon after to stop attending Religion associated ceremonies like funerals, his funeral, weddings and Christenings: to distance myself from institutionalized religious sources of abuse.
Country by country, killing remains widespread. You can go half way across the world and still find evidence of man killing man.
Religion for Children, not for Adults.
Change will follow silence. Joy will follow change.
The day I stopped praying, the day I stopped reading the Bible.

Does Religion prevent you knowing who you are?
What are we all doing so that our children don't have to be slaughtered by Extremism.
Truth strengthens you, lies weaken you.
The misunderstanding of religion is what divides us.
Read and let this work enter your consciousness and develop competitive peace
Religion increases discrimination and racism.
7 Billion Humans, will we ever act as one.
Aggression within the individual can often be seen at a national level
Why are some of us light skinned and some of us dark.
Are light Police officers a good thing.
I read once while being agitated and it sounds ridiculous, I re read when I'm calmer and words fail me as my spirit is moved and humbled.
What do others see when we push god away with religion.
Our aim is often not what we achieve.

Covered in London's blood they shout, 'This is for Allah!'
When you know how to and rest from God everyday, your humanity will never be far away.

Religión y espiritualidad
6 de marzo
Michael Morais Barnett
Draft2Digital, LLC
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