
Asimov's Foundation Trilogy: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Cowboy Heroes. Asimov's Foundation Trilogy: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Cowboy Heroes.
Between Visibility and Invisibility: Baudrillard, Jean-Luc Marion, And Lance Olsen's Girl Imagined by Chance. Between Visibility and Invisibility: Baudrillard, Jean-Luc Marion, And Lance Olsen's Girl Imagined by Chance.
Technicity: Al and Cyborg Ethnicity in the Matrix (Critical Essay) Technicity: Al and Cyborg Ethnicity in the Matrix (Critical Essay)
Fractal Fantasies of Transformation: William Blake, Michael Moorcock, And the Utilities of Mythographic Shamanism (Critical Essay) Fractal Fantasies of Transformation: William Blake, Michael Moorcock, And the Utilities of Mythographic Shamanism (Critical Essay)
He "Just Plain Liked Guns": Robert A. Heinlein and the "Older Orthodoxy" of an Armed Citizenry (Critical Essay) He "Just Plain Liked Guns": Robert A. Heinlein and the "Older Orthodoxy" of an Armed Citizenry (Critical Essay)
The Player Piano and Musico-Cybernetic Science Fiction Between the 1950S and the 1980S: Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick (Critical Essay) The Player Piano and Musico-Cybernetic Science Fiction Between the 1950S and the 1980S: Kurt Vonnegut and Philip K. Dick (Critical Essay)