Evolve Is Better Than Change
Beschreibung des Verlags
I've spent my life distilling Nature Universal Laws - they are ancient - tried and true wisdom. Ultimately, they make common sense, strategic wisdom, competitive strategy for business and life. Once you know that you know them, you can observe the universal laws of nature everywhere: the sparkle of stars, the health of a human cell or the flight of a bird, love at home, healthy family. Basically, it's about taking the power back, clearing the fog and making a difference . Let Nature Be Your Guide.
Thought-Culture or Practical Mental Training Vol. 4
Find What You Love: 5 Tips to Uncover Your Passion Quickly and Easily
Daily Planner: Productivity Boosts for Faster Results
5 Simple Productivity Hacks That Could Revolutionize Your Life
How to Work for Yourself: 100 Ways to Make the Time, Energy and Priorities to Start a Business, Book or Blog
The Six Elements of Effective Listening: How Successful Leaders Transform Communication Through the Power of Listening