Identity Illusions: A RolePages Novella Identity Illusions: A RolePages Novella

Identity Illusions: A RolePages Novella

Beschreibung des Verlags

In an empire of technology and power, a populace of once magical beings has been stripped of their abilities using cruel injections. Forced to relocate to crowded cities, they are pressed into mundane, toil laden lives. The only escape comes from the Weave, a device that allows you to log in and become anyone, do anything, and live out your dreams. But only for a few hours each day.

Meanwhile the ruling Crowley family is struggling over the future of the True Evolutionist Empire. More of the wealthy and powerful are getting physical upgrades, reinforced skeletons, cybernetic implants, functional wings and extra limbs. Others are going further, removing their brains from their bodies and pumping them full of chemicals to expand their capacities, then tying them into factories that can control hundreds, or even thousands of robotic drones at a time.

Corgan Crowley finds the implications of concentrating so much power in the hands of so few to be troubling. He doesn't like that so many people, even important people, are spending so much time in the Weave either. He believes the empire should get back to the roots of the True Evolutionist doctrine. But he's out of favor with the emperor, and can already feel political hands closing around his neck.

What can he do?

Science-Fiction und Fantasy
26. Februar
J.L.N. Lewitin