the 21 Myths Of Fat loss 21 Dieting and Weight loss Myths you Believed the 21 Myths Of Fat loss 21 Dieting and Weight loss Myths you Believed

the 21 Myths Of Fat loss 21 Dieting and Weight loss Myths you Believed

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Money can’t buy results but the truth can.

Fitness can be really frustrating because everyone has their biased opinions of what is right, and what works. The problem is 90% of these opinions are based off of completely irrelevant studies.
Most people back their claims with studies say, they say, or in my experience.
But how does make their info relevant to you and your goals? IT DOESN’T!

Fasted cardio burning more fat, skipping breakfast is bad, eating more frequently increases BMR, sweat is fat crying, the 30-minute anabolic window! ALL BS

What I did was narrowed things down to the 21 most harmful myths that you probably believe and now I am going to debunk them for you. But before I do that, here are the Myths we will be debunking.

Myth #1 “Fasted cardio burns more fat”

Myth #2 “Not eating breakfast is bad”
Myth #3 “Eating more meals throughout the day will turn on your metabolic furnace”

Myth #4 “You need to eat certain “clean foods” to lose weight”

Myth #5 “You can change your metabolism in weeks”

Myth #6 “Weightloss is linear”

Myth #7 “The cave man, low carb, organic, super metabolic enhancement diet that all the movie stars used”

Myth #8 “Carbs make you fat”

Myth #9 “Fat makes you fat”

Myth #10 “Zero calorie foods exist”

Myth #11 “Fat loss supplements that help you lose 30 pounds in 30 days”

Myth #12 “Turning fat into muscle”

Myth #13 “Sweat is fat crying”

Myth #14 “Carb or calorie cycling to jump start the metabolism”

Myth #15 “Use higher reps to get shredded/lean”

Myth #16 “When you eat before bed stores food as fat”

Myth #17 “Doing direct abdominal work will burn belly fat and get you better abs.”

Myth #18 “The 30 minute anabolic window”

Myth #19 “Eat double your bodyweight in protein to get shredded and build muscle”

Myth #20 “Grain products such as bread, pasta, and rice will make you fat”

Myth #21 “Everyone that gets really shredded is on drugs”


You don’t deserve to be in the dark anymore, you deserve to know the truth, and you deserve to know the practicality of dieting and weightloss in all of its entirety.

Forget about what you think you know and learn the truth about these mythical fitness methods and diet philosophy.

Become a diet and weightloss practitioner, and get those results!

Gesundheit, Körper und Geist
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