The 9 Step Absolution: Nine Simple Steps to a Leaner You The 9 Step Absolution: Nine Simple Steps to a Leaner You

The 9 Step Absolution: Nine Simple Steps to a Leaner You

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The world’s focus is shifting. People are becoming more health and body conscious. Every day, more and more people are joining gyms and taking control of what they eat, and this is absolutely fantastic.
My name is Grant Hall, author of Thinking Fat Loss. I have been a personal trainer for eight years, and seeing the way people are becoming more focused on living a healthier, fitter lifestyle is very exciting. I got into personal training because I wanted to help educate people about the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle.
Over my eight years, I have helped many of my clients reach their goals and have seen how people can go from overweight, unfit couch potatoes with no real zest to people that are more confident, happier, energised, and motivated and spend a lot less time in front of the T.V.
Knowing that I played a part in how my clients’ lives have transformed for the better is extremely rewarding for me, and I hope to give you some useful tips that will help you transform your lifestyle.
That being said, I have completed a list that is very simple to follow and implement of nine steps or suggestions that you can use right now to help you achieve a better-quality lifestyle and a leaner, toned body. And I know by just putting these steps into practice that you will achieve a higher level of success.
Firstly, we need to take control of your eating and instil some good eating habits. The first five steps are all about changing your eating habits.

Gesundheit, Körper und Geist
30. März
Grant Hall