Translucent Translucent
Vol IV – Kingdom Politics


In the myriad of elements are a few translucent stones, chosen through natural selection by a divine arrangement.

Beschreibung des Verlags

The diamond is just like every other rock, in the sense that it contains the necessary minerals prerequisite for rock formation. The diamond however is unique in its nature for the simple fact that it is the only rock that allows light pass through it, making it translucent. For this reason and this reason alone, it is valued high above every other rock on the planet. We can see clearly the translucence of the diamond is not a matter of choice, but of a divine Creating force orchestrating the essence of all material and spiritual substance. In this very nature of the diamond lies an understanding of man’s peculiar ability to transmute and transmit light, an innate characteristics more distinct in some but available to all.

Light is the true nature of our being, we are light, we are sustained by light, The Sun feeds us our very substance to nourish our essence. The light we are however, is somewhat different form that of the Sun, you see the Sun has no choice but to shine, yet the human can choose to dim his light by simply being unaware of his translucence. Nonetheless there are some men who, as a result of an absolute submersion in truth and love have become irrevocably translucent to the Infinite Light that emanates from the Source of all life. These are the ones who exert absolute dominance over natural circumstances, never confined by the constrains of matter, co existing in multiple ethereal realms. These are the Chosen. The Workers of Light. The Royal Priesthood. The Translucent Generation. The epoch has come once again for the world to experience a uniformed consciousness of light - The Consciousness of Christ.

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