BRAIN TRAINING MASTERY : Master guide to Improve your memory. Bonus: Stress Management and Dialectical Behavior Therapy BRAIN TRAINING MASTERY : Master guide to Improve your memory. Bonus: Stress Management and Dialectical Behavior Therapy

BRAIN TRAINING MASTERY : Master guide to Improve your memory. Bonus: Stress Management and Dialectical Behavior Therapy

    • $21.99

    • $21.99

Publisher Description

Train Your Brain, Become Smarter And More Resilient With This Unique Guide

Are you…

✓ finding it hard to focus and remember things?

✓ suffering from stress?

✓ struggling with controlling your emotions?

Your brain needs some serious training!

The human brain may be one of the greatest mysteries known to science, but many aspects of its functioning are pretty well-researched today. And the truth is that our brains can be reprogrammed like computers and retrained like muscles.

Yes, you can train your memory just like you would train your body for a marathon. But instead of running longer and longer distances, you memorize longer and longer sequences of ideas, words, or numbers. You can also reprogram your response to stress and your negative emotions such as fear or anger – there are numerous scientifically proven strategies for this. And you can boost your emotional stability and resilience as well – just apply the advice you’ll find in this book!

This book is a comprehensive guide to training your brain with exercises, meditation, and many other techniques.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:
How to build brain exercises into your daily routine for maximum effectivenessHow to activate the power of your subconsciousHow to use the Law of Attraction to attract love, money, or success with the power of your thoughtsUnique strategies to manage your stress levels – including surprising nutrition tips, self-hypnosis guides, and other stress management tools you’ve never thought of!
This book will boost your brainpower and make you the master of your emotions – not their slave.

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Business & Personal Finance
David Martin Studio
hr min
20 October
Barbara A. Pearce