The Human Brain: Exploring the Mental Capacity and Unlimited Creative Potential of Our Brains The Human Brain: Exploring the Mental Capacity and Unlimited Creative Potential of Our Brains

The Human Brain: Exploring the Mental Capacity and Unlimited Creative Potential of Our Brains

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Publisher Description

A 4-book combo, including the following books:

Men's Brains: It is no secret that a male’s brain is different from a female’s brain. And although every person is different anyway, there are some generalizations that are true for the most part. The question is: Why would you need to know about this anyway? Well, first of all, if you know about these things, you can save yourself a lot of frustration. You may be wondering why your partner or someone from the other gender acts the way they do, but if you know about this, you’ll understand why. Second, isn’t it just interesting to see how nature has shaped the two sexes in different ways to be complementary to each other? The differences are sometimes humorous, and sometimes, they just make sense.

Women's Brains: As men try to understand how the other sex thinks, it often leaves them confused and bewildered. With this guide, however, you will get a good grasp on the general way of women’s logic. You will skip the awkward accusations, the clumsy comments, and the social impairment your wife, girlfriend, or other woman thinks you have. 

Right Brain: Hear in this guide why so many people don’t value the right-brain activity enough, and why it is actually a necessity to do so. You will be surprised by both the false concepts and the truths you will hear about in this brief guide. Much information in packed into an enlightening short listen that will blow your mind. 

Left Brain: If you are interested in learning more about the brain, then this short audiobook is definitely for you. Academic studies worldwide have pointed out humans don’t use all of their brain, and even though the 10 percent myth has been widely debunked, there is still more to do and to learn so you can increase your brain function significantly.

Eric Boozer
hr min
8 September
A to Z Publishing