
Dementia Beyond Drugs: Changing the Culture of Care (Book Review) Dementia Beyond Drugs: Changing the Culture of Care (Book Review)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Psychological and Physiological Illnesses: A Systematic Review for Social Workers (Report) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Psychological and Physiological Illnesses: A Systematic Review for Social Workers (Report)
Psychosocial Outcomes for Adult Children of Parents with Severe Mental Illnesses: Demographic and Clinical History Predictors. Psychosocial Outcomes for Adult Children of Parents with Severe Mental Illnesses: Demographic and Clinical History Predictors.
Caregiver Grief in Terminal Illness and Bereavement: A Mixed-Methods Study (Report) Caregiver Grief in Terminal Illness and Bereavement: A Mixed-Methods Study (Report)
Neuroplasticity, Psychosocial Genomics, And the Biopsychosocial Paradigm in the 21st Century (Report) Neuroplasticity, Psychosocial Genomics, And the Biopsychosocial Paradigm in the 21st Century (Report)
A Longitudinal Look at Social Work Leadership in Hospitals: The Impact of a Changing Health Care System. A Longitudinal Look at Social Work Leadership in Hospitals: The Impact of a Changing Health Care System.