Anxiety in Relationships: Restore Your Love Life by Eliminating Negative Thinking, Jealousy and Attachment While Learning to Identify Your Insecurities, Overcome Couple Conflicts, and Lose Your Fear of Abandonment (Unabridged)
Invisible Abuse: Instantly Spot the Covert Deception and Manipulation Tactics of Narcissists, Effortlessly Defend from and Disarm Them, and Effectively Recover (Unabridged)
Dark Feminine Energy Free Your Femme Fatale: Ignite Your Irresistible Allure Through Mystique, Sexuality, Femininity, and Elegance to Become the Dark Diva No One Can Ignore (Unabridged)
Empath Awakening: How to Stop Absorbing Pain, Stress, and Negative Energy from Others and Start Healing (Unabridged)
Toxic Magnetism: How and Why Empaths Attract Narcissists: Discover the One Reason You Keep Attracting Narcissistic People. A True Survival Guide for the Highly Sensitive Person Dating an Energy Vampire, with Abuse Healing and Dodging Narcissism in Future
Femme Fatale - Why Bad B*tches Get the Ring (And You Don’t): Discover Why Men Love Confident Women, How Dark Feminine Energy Is Your Secret Superpower, and What It Takes to Get Him on One Knee (Unabridged)