Studies in Surrealism

Neil Matheson and Others
Series • 9 Books • Art History
Àngel Planells’ Art and the Surrealist Canon Àngel Planells’ Art and the Surrealist Canon
Anna Vives
Remaking the Readymade Remaking the Readymade
Adina Kamien-Kazhdan
André Breton in Exile André Breton in Exile
Victoria Clouston
Surrealism and the Gothic Surrealism and the Gothic
Neil Matheson
Surrealism, Occultism and Politics Surrealism, Occultism and Politics
Tessel M. Bauduin, Victoria Ferentinou & Daniel Zamani
Angela Carter and Surrealism Angela Carter and Surrealism
Anna Watz
A Surrealist Stratigraphy of Dorothea Tanning’s Chasm A Surrealist Stratigraphy of Dorothea Tanning’s Chasm
Catriona McAra
Ludics in Surrealist Theatre and Beyond Ludics in Surrealist Theatre and Beyond
Vassiliki Rapti
Sacred Surrealism, Dissidence and International Avant-Garde Prose Sacred Surrealism, Dissidence and International Avant-Garde Prose
Vivienne Brough-Evans