1001 Quotations to Prosper 1001 Quotations to Prosper

1001 Quotations to Prosper

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Publisher Description

We have all asked ourselves at some point about the big questions, what is the meaning of life, what is the purpose of our existence, how can we live our lives better so that we are satisfied and fulfilled as human beings. This book as collection of quotations aims to serve as a guide to living a better life. The collection contains 1001 quotations from some of the most influential people that ever lived. Starting with ancient philosophers from the Far East and the West, medieval explorers, educators, politicians and industrialists of the 20th century, to scientists, artists, and contemporary businessmen, and including the celebrities, motivational speakers and public relations professionals.

Each one of these quotations could be a book, a philosophy on its own, as each of these quotations could be a way of living presenting us with a purpose in life should we choose to believe in it and act by its principles. The quotations in this books deal primarily with striving for perfection, which majority of us aspire to. This book serves as a tool, to assist modern-day explorers who aspire for a better, higher, more comfortable and peaceful living.

Who should we follow if not those who have been successful and proven themselves in what they do. The book offers advice from the richest on how to get rich, from the most influential on how to gain influence and from the wisest on how to gain a peace of mind. I hope this book will serve you well and I hope that while reading it you will be able to quench your thirst for inspiration and get motivated to raise your head and move on. To continue even more decisively and more persistently to fulfill your goals, by living your life, and turning it into something tangible and valuable, into something you will be proud of and will serve people for generations to come.

Body, Mind & Spirit
31 March
Mario Maglov
Draft2Digital, LLC
Ojkače Kninske krajine Ojkače Kninske krajine
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Afirmacije koje donose promjenu Afirmacije koje donose promjenu
1001 Citat za prosperitet 1001 Citat za prosperitet