After Suicide
My Personal Experience
5.0 • 1 Rating
Publisher Description
After Suicide is Charlottes personal account of her fathers suicide, including before and after the event. This books main purpose is to be a support aid for people in a similar situation or people wanting to understand more about suicide and how it affects the survivor, it is not however meant to be a replacement for your doctors recommendations. This book is help from someone that understands
Customer Reviews
Thank you.
I lost my partner 18 months ago. Every word the author has written comes from a place of understanding and honesty. Reading this made me feel less alone, your words validated my grief and truly touched my heart. This read reminded me to be kind and patient with myself and the grieving process. Thank you for helping me feel less alone, and thank you for helping me feel understood. Also, I will be donating to my local food bank because your honesty shed light on the importance of their place in our society.