Ages in Oblivion Thrown: Book One of the Sleep Trilogy
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Publisher Description
Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was clever and brave, unafraid of danger, but she broke. Not her body, but her mind. And she couldn't be put back together again…not the same, anyway.
From the shadows she was watched. They liked what they saw.
Of all the things we understand about ourselves, of all the energy we put into research of the human condition…the brain…the mind…is what we desperately want and need to master.
It is at the center of our existence. It controls us in every basic way. Breathing, eating, sleeping, loving…dreaming.
It betrays us at odd moments. Saves us when the pressure is on. It is a formidable foe at times, an ally the rest. We exercise, learn, and pray to make it fully ours. We know how to use our minds well.
But so do they.
And they want hers.
Customer Reviews
Ages in oblivion
Hi I really enjoy your writing style and have read most of your books except the romance, I was getting tired of the sap from read other unrealistic ga ga.
You keep me guessing and entertained.
Looking forward to the third book:-)