Dedicated to MH370
Publisher Description
[The above poems and work is generic for all faiths and has no religious content]
In dedication to MH 370, - in memory of the victims and their grieving families and friends, this author has written two short poems. A tragic incident, leaving in its wake painful memories of the fateful flight MH370 took to the air.
A brief essay on grieving and working out grief follows. May the families concerned be comforted through the coming weeks and months, as the search continues.How do we cope with such a painful loss?
This work attempts to assist all who are grieving to come to terms with their loss, cope with it and to move on with life. Right now, at the time of this initial publication and release, barely days since the fateful day of 8th March 2014, it is still very premature to even think about reading such a book.
At the time of writing, the plane or even traces of it has yet to be found. The physical signs or evidence of the plane with their loved ones even more remotely discoverable. It may take months or years.
Perhaps, at some time, one cannot know when - when the grief is less acute, that this work may come in useful for the families and the bereaved. This work is dedicated free for MH370 and the surviving families. [First Volume in Two Part Series. Volume Two will be published when MH 370 is found.]