Fundamental Philosophy - Volume I Fundamental Philosophy - Volume I

Fundamental Philosophy - Volume I

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Publisher Description

Fundamental Philosophy - Volume I

Jaime Balmes, Spanish Catholic priest known for his political and philosophical writing (1810 – 1848)

This ebook presents «Fundamental Philosophy - Volume I», from Jaime Balmes. A dynamic table of contents enables to jump directly to the chapter selected.

Table of Contents

- About This Book

- Introduction

- Book First. On Certainty

- Chapter I. Importance And Utility Of The Question Of Certainty

- Chapter Ii. True State Of The Question

- Chapter Iii. Certainty Of The Human Race, And Philosophical Certainty

- Chapter Iv. Existence Of Transcendental Science In The Absolute Intellectual Order

- Chapter V. Transcendental Science In The Human Intellectual Order Cannot Emanate From The Senses

- Chapter Vi. Transcendental Science-insufficiency Of Real Truths

- Chapter Vii. The Philosophy Of The Me Cannot Produce Transcendental Science

- Chapter Viii. Universal Identity

- Chapter Ix. Universal Identity-continued

- Chapter X. Problem Of Representation - Monads Of Leibnitz

- Chapter Xi. Problem Of Representation Examined

- Chapter Xii. Immediate Intelligibility

- Chapter Xiii. Representation Of Causality And Ideality

- Chapter Xiv. Impossibility Of Finding The First Principle In The Ideal Order

- Chapter Xv. The Indispensable Condition Of All Human Knowledge-means Of Perceiving Truth

- Chapter Xvi. Confusion Of Ideas In Disputes On The Fundamental Principle

- Chapter Xvii. Thought And Existence-descartes' Principle

- Chapter Xviii. The Principle Of Descartes, Continued-his Method

- Chapter Xix. Value Of The Principle - I Think: Its-analysis

- Chapter Xx. True Sense Of The Principle Of Contradiction-kant's Opinion

- Chapter Xxi. Does The Principle Of Contradiction Merit The Title Of Fundamental

- Chapter Xxii. The Principle Of Evidence

- Chapter Xxiii. The Criterion Of Consciousness

- Chapter Xxiv. The Criterion Of Evidence

- Chapter Xxv. The Objective Value Of Ideas

- Chapter Xxvi. Can All Cognitions Be Reduced To The Perception Of Identity

- Chapter Xxvii. Continuation Of The Same Subject

- Chapter Xxviii. Continuation Of The Same Subject

- Chapter Xxix. Are There True Synthetic Judgments A Priori In The Sense Of Kant

- Chapter Xxx. Vico's Criterion

- Chapter Xxxi. Continuation Of The Same Subject

- Chapter Xxxii. The Criterion Of Common Sense

- Chapter Xxxiii. Error Of Lamennais On Common Consent

- Chapter Xxxiv. Summary And Conclusion

- Book Second. On Sensation

- Chapter I. Sensation In Itself

- Chapter Ii. Matter Is Incapable Of Sensation

- Chapter Iii. Sleep And Waking

- Chapter Iv. Relation Of Sensations To An External World

- Chapter V. An Idealist Hypothesis

- Chapter Vi. Is The External And Immediate Cause Of Sensations A Free Cause

- Chapter Vii. Analysis Of The Objectiveness Of Sensations

- Chapter Viii. Sensation Of Extension

- Chapter Ix. Objectiveness Of The Sensation Of Extension

- Chapter X. Force Of Touch To Make Sensations Objective

- Chapter Xi. Inferiority Of Touch Compared With Other Senses

- Chapter Xii. Can Sight Alone Give Us The Idea Of A Surface

- Chapter Xiii. Cheselden's Blind Man

- Chapter Xiv. Can Sight Give Us The Idea Of A Solid

- Chapter Xv. Sight And Motion

- Chapter Xvi. Possibility Of Other Senses

- Chapter Xvii. Existence Of New Senses

- Chapter Xviii. Solution Of Lamennais' Objection

- Book Third. Extension And Space

- Chapter I. Extension Inseparable From The Idea Of Body

- Chapter Ii. Extension Not Perceptible As The Direct And Immediate Object Of Sensations

- Chapter Iii. Scientific Fruitfulness Of The Idea Of Extension

- Chapter Iv. Reality Of Extension

- Chapter V. Geometrical Exactness Realized In Nature

- Chapter Vi. Remarks On Extension

- Chapter Vii. Space-nothing

- Chapter Viii. Descartes And Leibnitz On Space

- Chapter Ix. Opinion Of Those Who Attribute To Space A Nature Distinct From Bodies

- Chapter X. Opinion Of Those Who Hold Space To Be The Immensity Of God

- Chapter Xi. Fenelon's Opinion

- Chapter Xii. What Space Consists In

- Chapter Xiii. New Difficulties

- Chapter Xiv. Another Important Consequence

- Chapter Xv. Illusion Of Fixed Points In Space

- Chapter Xvi. Observations On Kant's Opinion

- Chapter Xvii. Inability Of Kant's Doctrine To Solve The Problem Of The Possibility Of Experience

- Chapter Xviii. The Problem Of Sensible Experience

- Chapter Xix. Extension Abstracted From Phenomena

- Chapter Xx. Are There Absolute Magnitudes

- Chapter Xxi. Pure Intelligibility Of The Extended World

- Chapter Xxii. Infinite Divisibility

- Chapter Xxiii. Unextended Points

- Chapter Xxiv. A Conjecture On The Transcendental Notion Of Extension

- Chapter Xxv. Harmony Of The Real, Phenomenal, And Ideal Orders

- Chapter Xxvi. Character Of The Relations Of The Real Order To The Phenomenal

- Chapter Xxvii. Whether Every Thing Must Be In Some Place

- Chapter Xxviii. Contingency Of Corporeal Relations

- Chapter Xxix. Solution Of Two Difficulties

- Chapter Xxx. Passive Sensibility

- Chapter Xxxi. Possibility Of A Greater Sphere In Active Sensibility

- Chapter Xxxii. Possibility Of The Penetration Of Bodies

- Chapter Xxxiii. A Triumph Of Religion In The Field Of Philosophy

- Chapter Xxxiv. Conclusion And Summing Up

- Notes To Book First

- Note To Book Second

- Notes To Book Third

- Footnotes

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