In-Season Strength and Conditioning Program for Fall Sports: Football, Soccer, And Volleyball (Report)
VAHPERD Journal 2009, Fall, 30, 2
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Strength and Conditioning of Athletes is a year round endeavor, and no longer can coaches wait until 8 weeks before the start of the season attempting to get athletes in peak condition. The year round program is referred to as we know of as the macro cycle. That encompasses the offseason workouts, transition periods, preseason workouts, and in-season workouts. The following article will give in detail considerations for the in-season workouts for fall sports. As a strength and conditioning coach, you will have to be knowledgeable in the following areas: leadership, teaching, testing and warm-up, exercise prescription and conditioning, biomechanical considerations for football, volleyball, and soccer. Leadership-Dr. Rodney Gaines
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