Juice 4 Life Juice 4 Life

Juice 4 Life

Juice once a day for one week

    • $8.99
    • $8.99

Publisher Description

If you've never tried juicing and  have stayed away from the process because you thought it was going to be gritty, tasteless or bitter … think again. Once you learn how to creatively mixed the right combination with starter recipes in this eBook, the change happens. A lifestyle change occurs. 

For less than what it cost for a fast food NO Value meal, you can download the Juice 4 Life beginner's guide to the art of juicing.  Juice 4 Life is an easy to understand beginners guide with videos, recipes, frequently asked questions and answers, testimonials and inspiration to help you on this amazing journey. 

Your challenge is to try one recipe per day in this eBook for seven days and experience the difference it will make in your life.  The art of juicing is a practice in giving back to yourself.  Remember: If you always give 100% ... you’ll end up with nothing left. 


Today I tried a Kale juice and I have to say...it was really good and after sipping for a few minutes... I felt this rush to my head and all of a sudden I just started to laugh and then it was like I had to get up and do something. It felt like a drink of wine...did not think anything else could make you feel so good. I LOVED IT!!! ~ Angela Langley - Memphis, TN

Camille I just made my first juice on my own and I’m LOVING IT!!!! Girl thank you so much!!! I truly value everything that you’ve taught me. You are an inspiration! Love you! ~ Christy Printis (Turkey)

Girl, no coffee and no red bull and I've had crazy energy all day.  Juicing got me cleaning like a mad man!  My kids are loving it too, though my son told me I need to make it taste more like spicy V8 - Roxanne (Guam)

Body, Mind & Spirit
10 October
Angel Productions Publishing
Camille James Phillips