Just a Spoonful of Laughter Helps the Medicine Go Down
A Series of Short Stories That Will Make You Laugh, Maybe Even Cry, and Hopefully Make Me a Lot of Money.
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Publisher Description
Just a Spoon Full of Laughteris a great read for anyone thats been to a doctors office and made it out alive. Written by an actual physician, it will keep you in stitches (no pun intended) from one story to the next. See for yourself what could be so funny about the physician office visit. Whether its recalling his first sigmoidoscopy or performing an autopsy, youll keep this riveting series of short humorous stories right there in the bathroom for pleasurable reading. You may even find yourself somewhere between the pages.
From an author who will never be a New York Times Best Seller, its a great book for young or old, male or female, professional or not. Its especially ideal for that person in your life who has everything except a sense of humor. Its ideal as a stocking stuffer, white elephant gift or for future yard sales.
The funniest book I ever read. Says Dr. Zhivago
Yes! Yes! Yes! Says Dr. No