Personal Finances Personal Finances

Publisher Description

This book provides you an initial introduction to your personalfinancial management. Though the financial management,whether in personal or business area, may seem somethingcomplex that puts fear at first, the truth is that it can be, yes,understood by any person who, at least, be willing to learnmore about proper use of the money. Unlike what manypeople think of, the financial management is so close to us thatwe use every day, and we do not realize its real matter in ourlives. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of consideringinconsequential their financial lives. The mere fact that theychoose not to follow their finances is already a decisive factorfor future lapses in this area. Manage personal or familybudget, planning the financial life and seek the long awaitedfinancial independence requires a change in posture, a changeof attitude, a change of life. And change perspective requirestaking actions and decisions that weren't not used to doingbefore. It means get out of our comfort zone. Believe me: "When we decided not to decide, we arechoosing." It means that when we take an attitude of notdecide anything about our financial lives, we are passing on toothers the power to decide for us. Do not fool yourself ! If aperson does not take the decisions themselves to take care ofyour money and your future, other people, companies andinstitutions will do it for you, but in a not very beneficial wayto your pocket. It is very true that money never bought, doesn't bring and willnever bring happiness to someone and loving to it is the causeof many miseries. However, when to ignore it, we are allowingpart of our lives at the mercy of chance when it actuallydoesn't exist. What we received today is the result of what weplanned yesterday. In other words, if we do not manage ourmoney wisely, nobody will do it for us.Loving money is a profound error. Ignore it also is. I always hear people submitting comments like: "This monthI'm pressed," or "I can't invest in it because I have debts topay," and so on. Actually, the history would be different if theyhad started differently. However, I always like to remember apublic thought that says:"Though no one can go back and make a new start, anyonecan start now and make a new ending."

Business & Personal Finance
22 November
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