Person's Experiences of Living with Congestive Heart Failure--a Systematic Literature Review/Personers Upplevelse Av Att Leva Med Kronisk Hjartsvikt--Systematisk Litteraturstudie.
Nursing Science & Research in the Nordic Countries 2008, Autumn, 28, 3
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ABSTRACT Background: Heart failure is a clinical syndrome where the heart is no longer able to maintain adequate blood circulation to the tissue. Many suffer from symptoms difficult to handle such as dyspnoea, fatigue, and physical weakness.
Competence Development to Public Health Nurses and Child Health Nurses in Primary Health Care in Southern Sweden/Kompetensutveckling for Distriktsskoterskor Och Barn-Sjukskoterskor I Primarvarden (Nursing Development/Utvikling I Sykepleien)
Effective Communication Related to Psychotic Disorganised Behaviour in Adults with Intellectual Disability and Autism (Nursing Science/Skyepleievitenskap/Omvardnasdsforskning) (Report)
Unit-Based Educational Program to Improve Urinary Incontinence in the Frail Elderly/Unit-Based Intervention to Improve Urinary Incontinence in Frail Elderly (Nursing Development/Utvikling I Sykepleien)
Vocation Or Profession--Different Understandings on the Relationship Between Vocation and Nursing/Kald Eller Profession--Forskellige Opfattelser Af Forholdet Mellem Kald Og Sygepleje (Nursing Science/Sykepleievitenskap/Omvardnasdsforskning)
Adolescents' Diet and Exrercise Practices: A Study in 9th Grade at Two Swedish Schools/Ungdomars Kost- Och Motionsvanor: En Undersokning I Arskurs 9 Pa Tva Svenska Skolor (Sykepleievitenskap * Omvardnadsforskning * Nursing Science)
Spirituality in Caring--an Interview-Study Among Nursing Staff/Andlighet I Varden--en Intervjustudie Bland Vardpersonal (Nursing Science/Sykepleievitenskap/Omvardnasdsforskning)