Sharon and the Beast
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Publisher Description
Sharon and the Beast - A clean, sensitive, inspirational, mystery romance, about two kindred spirits, one in torment, and the other searching for true inner beauty.
Not your face, not your stature,
not even your heart intrigues me.
But the beauty of your soul mesmerizes me. (Paula Freda)
Sharon wondered whatever had possessed her to follow, unnoticed by the tour guide and the tourists, the butler carrying the covered food tray through the hidden door behind the tapestry of the golden-haired prince robed in black and red velvet.
The answer, of course, was her curiosity. Her yen to meet the elusive owner of the sixteenth century, moss-tinged, weatherworn, greystone edifice. His paintings intrigued her, and the myths and legend surrounding him.
He'd inherited the castle ten years ago with the passing of his father. But unlike his late father, the son was a recluse who rarely left the castle. The warmth and beauty he expressed in his landscapes and portraits were not at all what she expected from an eccentric artist who signed his works, Beast
He sold his works through an agent. And those few times he'd been spotted entering or exiting his black limousine, had been under the cover of night. Occasionally, he exhibited his works at gallery exposés usually held at local art museums, but only his agent participated at the exhibitions.
Well, that wouldn't do, Sharon thought. She wanted to meet the man himself. Ergo, her presence this morning in the stygian darkness of the narrow hallway behind the tapestry and door she had just entered....