The Adventure of the Double Image
Team Girl, no. 10
2.5 • 2 Ratings
Publisher Description
Dr. Mabuse has figured out a way to pierce the dimensional barriers between parallel universes and open portals onto alternative Earths. When she finds such a world, she hires Eile and Sunny to perform a preliminary, 24-hour investigation, based on their experience with their adventuring company Team Girl Inc., their special ops missions for Lt. Gen. Morgan Leia Ross, and their time in the Dreamlands. Based on their report, Mabuse and her sponsor Medb will decide whether to perform more in-depth investigations, with an eye towards possible exploitation.
These initial investigations can be hazardous, but in this case their danger stems from a case of mistaken identity, when they are confused with their in-world counterparts. Then this resemblance is ruthlessly exploited when they are blackmailed into playing decoy for them. They have no choice, not if they hope to get home in one piece. They just hope their latest adventure doesn't get them both killed.