The Book of Revelations
Publisher Description
When a psychiatrist discovers a way to see into people’s past lives he becomes judge and jury. Seeking the advice of clergymen, he meets Rabbi Guetterman and discovers that, in his past life, he was of Adolf Hitler. This discovery sparks events that push the limits of society, test the bounds of faith, and put the rabbi in mortal danger. Because when the Jury is after you, there is no escape.
Customer Reviews
The Book Of Revelations
It's very good. I'm only 14 and this book made me think really hard about religious views. I'm not religious myself and have no beliefs in a higher presence. But this book still intrigued me. It had me glued to my phone for hours on end. The portrayal of characters. The overall story line was brilliantly plotted. If the author of this book. Ivan Turner. If you are reading this. You are a brilliant writer. And even though the premise of this book, a rabbi previously being a fascist leader of the worst atrocities known to man, may seem quite sadistic. But I believe that was not your intention. Your intention was to entertain. And you certainly succeeded in that :) I hope you are given the credit you deserve.
The book of revelations
Unfortunately, with the advent of iBooks, it creates the ability of people to bypass publishers, who would have discouraged the author of this rubbish from printing it on paper. You were warned....