The Franco-German War Of 1870-71 [Illustrated Edition] The Franco-German War Of 1870-71 [Illustrated Edition]

The Franco-German War Of 1870-71 [Illustrated Edition‪]‬

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Publisher Description

Illustrated with over 30 maps and diagrams of the War.
There are few military strategists that can be mentioned in the same breath as Field-Marshal Helmuth Graf Von Moltke, a towering military figure who helped define the Federal German state with his military brilliance. Although born into a Danish family and trained for the Danish Army, he transferred to the Prussian army and by 1822 he was enrolled at the famous Prussian Kriegsakadamie, studying under the revered Clausewitz. He fully digested the organic theories of warfare expounded by Clausewitz, and enhanced his already brilliant prospects by studying languages and devouring literature and history with equal gusto. He was one of the first to realize the military potential of the new railway networks that were being built across Europe around this time, a factor that would shape the Prussian/German war planning for years to come.
Having gained the pinnacle of his profession as the Chief of the General Staff in 1857; the next fourteen years would place a heavy burden on him at the head of the German Land Forces that would be the cutting edge of Teutonic expansion. He tested his theories of war first in the war of 1866 against the Austrians pulling off the astonishing victory of Königgratz by a combination of brilliant planning, superior fighting ability, swift marching and trust in his subordinates. His greatest successes would be against the much vaunted French army in 1870-71. he realized that although numbers would be against them the German military machine was much more effective at mobilization, manoeuvre and above all drive and determination. The story of his successes during the war are recounted in this volume with reticence, modesty and honesty; he is very careful not point out too many of the errors of the German Generals but spares none of the French commanders.
An excellent war memoir from a renowned general widely regarded as one of the foremost military strategists of the 19th century.

13 June
Wagram Press
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