The House on Ipswich Marsh
Exploring the Natural History of New England
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Publisher Description
In 2003, Bill Sargent bought a big pink house in Ipswich, Massachusetts. His home sits on what is known as the Great Marsh, a fascinating patch of wetland shared by Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Sargent received a grant to study some of the rare and endangered ground-nesting birds that inhabit the public land adjacent to his property. Ipswich Marsh is about these birds, but much else as well. Organized by the seasons of the year, The House on Ipswich Marsh features Sargent’s trademark interplay of information about the natural world, ecology, and politics. In “Spring,” the reader learns about the geological history of the Marsh; the migration patterns of bobolinks; the courtship flights of woodcocks; ticks and Lyme disease; the mating of horseshoe crabs and the underwater arrival of zooplankton, fish eggs, and moon jellyfish. “Summer” introduces plate tectonics and glaciers; sea level rise and glacial rebound; diving at night among lobsters and stone crabs; a day on Crane’s Beach; and a bike trip on Argilla Road. “Autumn” illuminates fishing; the natural and cultural history of Hog Island; harvest time on Appelton Farm; and a Native American Thanksgiving. “Winter” describes the formation of dunes and sandbars; the mating behavior of seals; coyote hunting deer at night; and a late-winter blizzard in which Sargent spies a red-tailed hawk, waiting, like the author, for the return of spring.
"I fell in love with a field in the spring of 2001." So begins this charming, edifying look at a New England wetland by science writer Sargent (A Year in the Notch: Exploring the Natural History of the White Mountains, etc.). A year after falling in love with said field, Sargent moved into a "charming monstrosity" of a house set on one of the field's corners, and thus began his project of studying the natural and cultural history of the area known as the Great Marsh. Shared by Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the Great Marsh is home to many species of rare birds. Sargent, who once classified birds by color (as in, that's a brown one and that's a black one), soon finds himself mesmerized by the call of the bobolink and the flight of the least tern. In a series of pleasing meditations that progress by season, Sargent reflects on the flora and fauna of the area, as well as on the 19th-century New England ice trade, what a mastodon hunt must have looked like, why the New England Patriots beat the Miami Dolphins (it has to do with mitochondria) and plenty of other subjects. Sargent's blend of science, history and personal memoir will engage all fans of good nature writing, and those fond of New England especially.