To The Glory of The Lord
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Publisher Description
The title of this book, which is the sixth book to be extracted from Obadiah 1:17-21, is TO THE GLORY OF THE LORD. God is pleased when we give Him the glory for the things He does among us. He does not share His glory with men. If the Kingdom is the LORD's, we must give Him the glory – INDEED, WE MUST GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY. The attitude and habit of giving glory to the LORD is disappearing from the midst of a self-seeking and self-pleasing generation. The LORD is grieved when we fail or refuse to give Him the glory for the things He does. On the other hand, when we give Him the glory, He performs greater deeds among us. TO THE GLORY OF THE LORD, will admonish believers about the importance of giving God the glory for who He is and for the things He does. The glory of the LORD must be emphasised. It is SINFUL to be silent and not give the glory to the LORD. It is IMMORAL to give the glory to ourselves and to other people when the LORD does great things in our lives. It is INIQUITOUS to give the glory of the LORD to idols. This book will INFORM, INSPIRE, AND INVIGORATE US TO GIVE GLORY TO THE LORD in all our endeavours.