Will Grayson, Will Grayson
- $13.99
Publisher Description
På tilfældig vis møder de to teenagere Will Grayson og Will Grayson hinanden - de hedder det samme, men er umiddelbart meget forskellige. Spørgsmålet er, om de også er det under overfladen?
Will Grayson, Will Grayson er en ungdomsroman af John Green og David Levithan, der i samarbejde har skabt noget i den grad livsbekræftende. De to unge drenge kommer til at påvirke hinanden på godt og ondt og sammen bliver de viklet ind i én stor musical, der kommer til at ændre deres liv.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson er en morsom og fortryllende historie om ungdom, venskab og kærlighed.

In alternating chapters, the authors track two teens, both named Will Grayson, who accidentally meet halfway through the novel, perhaps changing the trajectory of both of their lives. One Will is vintage Green: a smart nerd whose rules to live by include don't care too much, with a scene-stealing sidekick Tiny Cooper, a large, flamboyantly gay classmate intent on staging an autobiographical musical. The other will (lowercase throughout) is angry and depressed; the one bright spot in his existence is an online friendship with Isaac. When will agrees to meet Isaac one night in Chicago, readers know nothing good will happen and they will be wrong. A well-orchestrated big reveal takes the story in a new direction, one that gives (lowercase) will greater dimension. The ending is laudable but highly implausible. The journey to it is full of comic bits, mostly provided by the irrepressible Tiny, who needs his own novel. Frank sexual language a shot at a bar tastes like Satan's fire cock pushes this one to high school, where its message of embracing love in all its forms ought to find a receptive audience. Ages 14 up.