Winds of Wrath
4.1 • 7 Ratings
- $13.99
Publisher Description
Matt Reddy and the crew of the USS Walker are positioned to push the line of battle to the breaking point on an alternate Earth, in the thrilling return to the New York Times bestselling Destroyermen series.
Matt Reddy and his sailors have fought, bled, and died for their Lemurian friends and other allies from across time, but their enemies are still operational. In Africa, the Grik General Esshk has escaped defeat to build a new army and new weapons, and is desperate enough to use them to destroy the world if he can't have it.
In South America, the NUS, General Shinya, and the Army of the Sisters have the evil Dominion on the ropes and are closing in on the seat of its blood-drenched power, but the twisted Don Hernan has struck a deal with the fascist League, and Victor Gravois is finally assembling the awesome fleet of modern ships he's always craved. If he's successful, the war will be lost.
Undermined by treachery on a stunning scale, Matt Reddy must still steam his battered old ship halfway around the world, scraping up what forces he can along the way, and confront the mightiest armada the world has ever seen in a fiery duel to the death.
Anderson's world-spanning Destroyermen saga comes to a tense and well-crafted climax in the thoroughly satisfying 15th and final entry (after Pass of Fire), which continues the adventure of the USS Walker, a WWII destroyer translocated to an alternate Earth populated by dinosaurs and cat people. Capt. Matt Reddy, commander of the armed forces of a Grand Alliance of humans, humanoid Lemurians, and reptilian Grik, their former enemies, faces the final resistance of rebel Grik in Africa while also directing an invasion of South America to topple the Dominion, a group of bloodthirsty religious fanatics. But the biggest threat to the Alliance remains the fascist League of Tripoli, who greatly outgun the Alliance and its scrappy flagship. Anderson successfully juggles the various fronts and the large cast while also providing the best battle sequences in the series. Readers following the adventures of this "rusty old ship" will be pleased to find that its success is due less to its armament and more to the honor and loyalty of its displaced destroyermen and women. Anderson sends the series out with a bang.