The Country Housewife and Lady's Director in the Management of a House, and the Delights and Profits of a Farm The Country Housewife and Lady's Director in the Management of a House, and the Delights and Profits of a Farm

The Country Housewife and Lady's Director in the Management of a House, and the Delights and Profits of a Farm

Publisher Description

The same In-gredients ditefited for your Mango Cucumbers, and tie them up: then boil your Pickle of Vinegar, Bay-Salt, and Spices, with these Mangoes in it 5 scumming it as it rises, and with it a piece of Allum as direited in the Receipt for Mango Cucumbers, and afterwards follow that Receipt till your Melons are fit to use. Now we have NVild-Ducks fit for the Table," and it is to be noted, that these should not be larded as Land-Fowls, in the roafiing of them. It must be observed, that they be sent to Table with the Gravey in them; but before they are laid down to the Fire, it, is pra6tis'd in many places, to chop Onions, the Leaves of red Sage, and mix these with Pepper and Salt, to be put in the Belly of the Puclcsz and when they are brought to Table, pour a Glass of Claret warm'd through the Body of the Ducks, which with somedGravey, that must be sent in the Dish, under the Ducks, will make a proper Sauce for them. Another agreeable way of eating Ducks, is roafiing them, and eating them with boil'd Onions; they are sometimes used in Soups, and baked, and they likewise 'eat very well when they are half roasted, and then cut to pieces and (lew'd with their own Gravey and Claret. Now Stubble Geese will be in season, after they have been taken up and fed for a Fortnight or thereabouts, in a close place, with Barley and Water; but during their Confinement, they must never want Viituals. Note, the Batley must have no more W'ater with it than will just cover it, and they must never have their Corn dry.

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