Routledge Studies in Anthropology

Timothy Carroll and Others
Series • 61 Books • Anthropology
Cultural Models of Nature Cultural Models of Nature
Giovanni Bennardo
Human Trafficking, Structural Violence, and Resilience Human Trafficking, Structural Violence, and Resilience
Amie L. Lennox
Bioinformation Worlds and Futures Bioinformation Worlds and Futures
EJ Gonzalez-Polledo & Silvia Posocco
Time and Its Object Time and Its Object
Paolo Fortis & Susanne Küchler
The Biometric Border World The Biometric Border World
Karen Fog Olwig, Kristina Grünenberg, Perle Møhl & Anja Simonsen
Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica
Ernst Halbmayer
The Cultural Economy of Protest in Post-Socialist European Union The Cultural Economy of Protest in Post-Socialist European Union
Juraj Buzalka
Guatemalan Vigilantism and the Global (Re)Production of Collective Violence Guatemalan Vigilantism and the Global (Re)Production of Collective Violence
Gavin Weston
Mambila Divination Mambila Divination
David Zeitlyn
Suckling Suckling
Fadwa El Guindi