Blue Tier, Black Tail, Bright Light Blue Tier, Black Tail, Bright Light

Blue Tier, Black Tail, Bright Light

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Publisher Description

Deciding that life and science are two separate entities; barring science as life is quite interesting. It was secure.  It was devalue.  The blue light was no longer.  In its entirety the tier that blue tiers brought were devalued.  There was cosmic astrological entrails, followed by the microwave chemical analysis.  Some of the genetic representations were supreme and liked to a blue tier.  That blue tier was the life.   The botched - ness of every scientific experimentation was in life and bright lights.  It was not apropos to complete experiments in the dark; unless almighty had called upon scene to enter.  Microwave assisted learning was at the nano materials level.  The interesting blue tier was simply assisted by a microwave of large incumbency.  It never left the walls or rooms of “ that place ”.

In secrecy, there was that place.  In secrecy, there was no place.  It was idea after idea and then, another idea.  The most productive was the assimilation of a nominal integral light.  Rather, an integral bright line.  This line was a bright light and a separator of malignancy.  The malignancy was a true hearted differential equation.  There was no such thing as differential equations.  Derivations were devalued and kept in secrecy.   Integral bright lit spaces were all dependent up soft light.  In secrecy, the better idea was to contradict a green materials project.

From that blue tier to that black tail, black light(s) were pronounced and subjected.  No one and no thing was to comprehend this microwave assisted project.  It was the potential, rather kinetic energies that shrouded and shouted answers.  It was hard work.  The scientist at the helm was hardworking.  The scientist needed a secure desk.  The scientist needed a secure light.  The scientist made a large investment a blue tier.  This tier was not drooped or dropped or blunt or maleficent.  This blue tier was subjected and the bright light was capitulated.  A mechanistic approach was deviant and devalued.  The essence of a simple gesture is / was the impending doom of “ this “ microwave assisted process.  It was larger than life and was stationary.  Stationary?  How non-revealing could drops of eloquence really be.  It was character and kinetics and potentials.  The magnitude was self-limiting and always had a stop/loss.  These stops were losses and these gaps were time that was not utilizing space.  It would hover and always, always held in rugged truthful sight.  Null, straight null and the laboratory was in session and season.  The respects were not paid.  Science was never to be devalued.  To reiterate, a blue tier lives in the pestilence of science.  Colorblindness, colloquially speaking saw not blue, but real tears.  Not ocean water, not blue slopes, not blue skies, not blue minds, but blue tiers.  And thus...occurrences occurred obliquely.  Unique and ubiquitous.  Ubiquitous and viscous…and thus…

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