Cast Love Aside Cast Love Aside

Cast Love Aside

Lord Royce's Knights, Book 2

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Publisher Description

The plan is simple: Magnus is to abduct the French spy, Count Erland, and transport him to England to be traded for a English spy who’s being held by the French. But the captive Englishman is Magnus’ estranged twin brother, Desmond. And no sooner have Magnus and his companions, Braedon and William, arrived at Manoir St Inge than Magnus is confronted by Erland’s niece, Lilianne. The lady is willing to help, for a price – Magnus must extract from Erland information as to where her little brother, Gilbert, has been hidden. Magnus, fascinated by her, reluctantly agrees. A dangerous escape from France that includes Lilianne and her companion, Alice, leads to unexpected romance for both ladies. Lilianne, a tall, sturdy girl, feels dainty and feminine with the oversized Magnus, while shy Alice discovers quiet pleasures with William.
In England, Lilianne finally learns from Erland that Gilbert, secretly locked in a tower room at the manor without food or water, is surely dead by now. Heartbroken, she decides she must return to France to see the boy properly buried. Magnus won’t allow her to go into danger alone. He has fallen deeply into love with the indomitable girl, but has nothing to offer her except his sword and his life.

Lilianne, knowing they have no hope of being together permanently and declaring she will never lie with another man, offers herself to him. Unable to resist what he wants so desperately, Magnus sets aside his knightly scruples and they make love.

The little group’s second foray into the manor brings several surprises. Lilianne discovers that Gilbert is not dead and Magnus finds documents that provide valuable information about French spies in England. Gilbert keeps talking about the man who saved his life by sending him food on a rope. He’s locked in the dungeon and Gilbert wants to rescue him. Over Magnus’ objections, Lilianne insists, saying a debt is owed. When they find and free the man, he proves to be Magnus’ brother, Desmond. Now they must all get out of the manor and onto the ship that’s waiting for them.

But Erland’s henchman has discovered their presence and the friends must fight their way to freedom.
Back in England the truth emerges. Most of what Magnus was told was lies, devised by Erland in a scheme to increase his own power.

King Henry is so delighted to have Erland as his captive that he rewards Magnus with a grant of property in Kent. Landless no more, Magnus asks Lilianne to marry him. Gilbert is to be his squire. Lilianne suggests that Desmond recover from his cruel captivity at his brother’s new home, where she hopes the two will reconcile.

Lilianne and Magnus are married. After a tender wedding night, they ride off to a new life.

28 September
Flora Speer
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