Faer Pride Faer Pride

Faer Pride

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    • 1,99 €

Publisher Description

The Goddesses of Lamerion each have the power to create life and the power to destroy life. Together the six Goddesses of Lamerion must work diligently to ensure the delicate balance of night and day, of water and air, of plant and animal, remains secure. Life in all forms can only be sustained through the cooperation of Beings who have the ability to annihilate the very essence of Lamerion should They so choose. The choice to cherish Their charge and thus enable life to thrive upon the land was made long ago due to a form of strength greater than even Their own.
Three races of Faer inhabit Lamerion and owe their millions of years of existence to the Goddesses that nurtured the land of their birth. Few fully understood the significance of the duties that the Goddesses assumed that allowed the Faer to survive as a people, yet all revered the Goddesses nonetheless as they coexisted with the other forms of life that thrived for millions of years in Lamerion.
Dark and evil creatures began to appear in Lamerion, and Goddess and Fae alike grieved as they watched what was once good and fair become evil and foul. For hundreds of years, They watched and tried to compensate as Bekchers and Goblins and Trolls terrorized Lamerion until They feared that all would be lost.
Then a Fae was born with an evil heart such as had never before existed within any of the three races of Faer. As Jolten grew and his illness began to dominate his heart, he began to influence the very balance of life and death that the Goddesses had worked to stabilize. The evil that Jolten spread across Lamerion set in motion events that would lead to the creation of a unique and powerful group of Faer.
The Goddesses charged a carefully chosen group of Faer—Feenin, Atilles, and Satran all—with the task of protecting a babe whose destiny it was to unite the Faer of Lamerion. Dangerous journeys, improbable victories, and life-alerting decisions quickly drew the chosen few close and strengthened the bonds that would forever bind them together. A powerful web of love grew between the Faer until a family that would never be surpassed was created.

Sci-Fi & Fantasy
27 February
A.S. Wilshire
Faer Sorrow Faer Sorrow
Mellah Mellah
Faer Light Faer Light
Faer Sorrow Faer Sorrow
Faer Dreams Faer Dreams
Faer Pride Faer Pride