International Facades - CROFT
Climate Related Optimized Facade Technologies
Publisher Description
"International Facades - CROFT" links the fields of architecture, building services and building physics. It aims at an international diversity in façade design to reduce energy consumption in building design.
Current architectural planning practices, such as the International Style, perceive the climate often as a problem, rather than an opportunity to work with it.
This doctoral thesis presents a “Facade Expert Tool” (FET) that analyses the climate and the combination of the façade and building services. The goal of FET is to easily analyse the climate of a particular location and to then limit the possible combination of façade and building services components to a practical level.
Through FET Marcel Bilow has developed “Climate Responsive Optimised Facade Technologies” (CROFT).
CROFT demonstrates the potential for sustainable building operation through the use new technologies that respond to the requirements posed on façades in climate zones as divers as those found in Moscow, Singapore, Berlin and Dubai.