Naya Naya
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Urzites – telepathic animals of many species found originally only on the southern island of ‎Urz. ‎
Receptives - humans who are able to hear the Urzites. Only about one person in eighty or ‎ninety is a Receptive. Most Receptives can only hear the animal who has chosen to be their ‎partner, although there have been recorded instances of very rare people, SuperReceptives, ‎who can hear more than one Urzite. ‎
The Warden Corps – a government-sanctioned force within which the Receptive-Urzite pairs ‎function. The Wardens and their Urzite partners are mostly used as espionage agents and ‎scouts in the ongoing war with the neighbouring nation of Zeranda, although some are also ‎involved in search and rescue and also in recruitment and the finding of new Receptives.‎

Hartan got reluctantly to his feet. “I’ll come back tomorrow,” he said as he passed ‎through the door I held open for him.‎
‎“Don’t bother. The answer will be the same.”‎
He turned as he stepped past me, that dreadfully earnest expression on his face again. ‎‎“Naya, you don’t understand!” he said urgently. “You’re a SuperReceptive. Don’t you realise ‎how rare that is?”‎
‎“How could I?” I said, wishing he’d just take the hint and leave. I didn’t want to have to ‎slam the door in his face, but it was beginning to look as though that was the only way I was ‎going to get rid of him. “I’d never heard the term before tonight.”‎
‎“There have only ever been a handful of SuperReceptives reported,” Hartan said. “Even ‎if we assume that there were as many again that weren’t recorded, that still means only one or ‎two in each generation. We need you, Naya. You can’t just sit here and sell vegetables and ‎ignore such a great gift.”‎
‎“Watch me,” I said. “Just because I can talk to more animals than someone else can ‎doesn’t mean I’m going to be a better spy, does it? I don’t want to be a spy, Hartan. I’m ‎perfectly happy with my life the way it is, and that’s my final word.”‎
He didn’t look happy, but he did at least finally take the hint and leave.‎
‎“Take my word for it,” he said as he stepped outside. “You will regret this decision.”‎
‎“I somehow doubt that, Hartan, but I’ll take that risk,” I said.‎

Naya Sheydaughter is perfectly happy running her business as a vegetable seller in her local ‎market. So when recruiter Hartan Igellson comes to town looking for her, she isn’t best ‎pleased, especially since the Wardens are regarded with suspicion in Harat and her neighbours ‎suddenly don’t want to know her any more. ‎

Learning that she has been identified as a Receptive it’s a case of thanks but no thanks. She ‎has a business to run. She can’t afford to leave it for a month just to find out if some animal ‎might want to be her friend, and she doesn’t want to be a spy anyway. It all seems very ‎straightforward. That is, until the recruiter discovers that she is a very rare SuperReceptive. ‎Determined to bring in the greatest find of his career, he sets about destroying her business ‎and her life in an effort to force her to come with him. ‎

But Naya is equally determined not to let him win in such an underhand manner. With ‎nothing left to lose, she runs away and takes to the road, determined to rebuild her life ‎somewhere far away from Hartan Igellson, Urzites and the Warden Corps. She has no ‎intention of having anything to do with an outfit that treats her the way Hartan has. ‎
But will she be left alone to build a future for herself that she actually wants to live? Can she ‎avoid being found when the entire Warden Corps is searching for her, the greatest find in a ‎century? ‎
Naya is the first book in a new fantasy series. ‎

Sciencefiction en fantasy
1 januari
Ashley Abbiss
Red Queen Ascendant Red Queen Ascendant
Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm
Red Queen Rider Red Queen Rider
The Heir of Ghlent The Heir of Ghlent
Rainbow Mage Rainbow Mage
Rainbow Dragonesque Rainbow Dragonesque
Mewla Mewla
Hoo Hoo
Stumpy Stumpy
Slink Slink