The Rough Guide to Awesome Leadership: A Brain Friendly Approach to Take Action and Be an Inspiring Leader
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Publisher Description
Like many people in leadership positions, you have probably sweated a lot to make it there – long hours of work to prove your commitment, some extra work to prepare for presentations to show that you have brains to solve problems, socializing with colleagues (the ones you like and the ones you don't), enduring some amazing and some painful bosses, learning and repeating new buzzwords, awkward discussions about when you will be promoted. It seems like a never-ending story to prove that you are cut out for the new position.
Now that you are part of the sacred circle, the question is - when does the painful aim to prove yourself ends? Some will tell you that it never ends. We believe that there is a way to make it less painful for you and others.
In our work with executive leaders, we have found some commonalities in leaders that were successful in escaping the rat race for validation and lead teams to superior heights:
They take decisions based on what makes their teams flourishThey have developed a process of regular practice of micro-actions to increase their capacity to manage their interactions with their teamsThey have developed a mindset where they trust their own capabilities to learn as well as the capabilities of their teams
This also means that they let go of existing paradigms on what motivates people, and they even went rogue with the practice of more human centric values.
This book is not about leadership frameworks. Instead, we wanted to share a list of ideas that can ignite curiosity and inspire you for some quick action. To come with these ideas, we have combined our experience in the field of leadership development with a couple of applications of behavioral science.
This is a book for leaders and leaders-to-be that feel that they can create great impact in their organization through the understanding of human psychology. The authors Elena Agaragimova and Ivan Palomino say it is as it is - plain, blunt, and simple.
This book is for people who had enough of knowing what it takes to change but simply find it hard to be motivated and consistent with actions to be an awesome leader. It is for people who believe that life is simply about trying and sometimes failing and that's ok, as long as there is progress.
Each chapter describes insights and actions that defines leadership in the way that leaders can thrive as a person and inspire others.
Many organizations are craving to create solid human centric cultures and build a new generation of leaders that are prepared to make the human culture sustainable.