Required Reading Range

Paul Harris and Others
Series • 34 Books • Movie
Production Design for Screen Production Design for Screen
Jane Barnwell
Communication Design Communication Design
Derek Yates & Jessie Price
The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design The Principles and Processes of Interactive Design
Jamie Steane
The Layout Book The Layout Book
Paul Harris & Gavin Ambrose
Menswear Trends Menswear Trends
Aki Choklat
Marketing Fashion Footwear Marketing Fashion Footwear
Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs & Tamsin McLaren
The Fashion Designer's Sketchbook The Fashion Designer's Sketchbook
Sharon Rothman
Patternmaking for Jacket and Coat Design Patternmaking for Jacket and Coat Design
Pamela Vanderlinde
Fashion Promotion in Practice Fashion Promotion in Practice
Jon Cope & Dennis Maloney
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sustainability Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sustainability
Joshua Zeunert