Application of Morphological Indices in the Assessment of Type and Function in Sheep / Aplicacion de Indices Morfologicos en la Evaluacion de Tipo y Funcion en Oveja. Application of Morphological Indices in the Assessment of Type and Function in Sheep / Aplicacion de Indices Morfologicos en la Evaluacion de Tipo y Funcion en Oveja.

Application of Morphological Indices in the Assessment of Type and Function in Sheep / Aplicacion de Indices Morfologicos en la Evaluacion de Tipo y Funcion en Oveja‪.‬

International Journal of Morphology 2006, March, 24, 1

    • 5,99 лв.
    • 5,99 лв.

Publisher Description

SALAKO, A. E. Application of morphological indices in the assessment of type and function in sheep. Int. J. Morphol., 24(1):13-18, 2006. SUMMARY: Live weight and eight body measurements records taken on 284 sheep comprising 226 West African Dwarf and 58 Yankasa sheep were analysed. The sheep were extensively managed within the south west Nigeria. The aim was to achieve a preliminary assessment of type and function from zoometrical indices produced from combinations of different morphometric scores. The indices used were weight, height slope, length index, width slope, depth index, foreleg length balance and cumulative index. The body measurements used were wither height, body length, hip length, hip width, rump height, foreleg length, chest width and heart girth.

Science & Nature
1 March
Universidad de La Frontera, Facultad de Medicina
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