Generational Alignment: The Divine Strategy for Healing Hearts and Nations Generational Alignment: The Divine Strategy for Healing Hearts and Nations

Generational Alignment: The Divine Strategy for Healing Hearts and Nations

Publisher Description

Generational Alignment is the alignment prophesied by Malachi in the last verse of the Old Testament in Malachi 4:6, and is the same alignment in the last prayer of Jesus for unity in John 17:11 & 22. Jesus Christ demonstrated the importance of this alignment as the Son of Man for the first thirty years of His life. He was secure in the love of His Heavenly Father, to humble Himself, honour, submit and serve imperfect authority in an imperfect family, as a Son and Eldest brother in the house of Joseph. The Apostle Paul demonstrated this generational alignment with Timothy, urging us also to lead and make disciples not as leaders, mentors, pastors or teachers, but as spiritual fathers in the faith (I Corinthians 4:15). According to Luke 6:40, fully and perfectly trained disciples are not defined by knowing what their teacher knows, or even by their ability to do what their teacher does, but rather those who have become like their teachers. Like Timothy, they walk in the ways of Christ in their teachers, and hence are discipled to make disciples, by walking in the ways of Christ as spiritual fathers (I Corinthians 4:17). The Kingdom of Heaven is a Kingdom-Family, where Christ our King is not Fatherless, but rules and reigns over His Father's Kingdom as a Son. This template was revealed on earth as it is in heaven, in the alignment between the house of Israel and the kingdom of Israel. The kings of Israel received their training for reigining as sons of the house. King David received his training for reigning as the son of Jessie, and as Christ the Son demonstrated and revealed His humility and obedience as the Son of Joseph.
Generational Alignment is the relational context for transformational discipleship. Without this context, the church at large has produced informed students and able workers, much like the Elder Brother in Luke 15, and those in the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3.
Despite the increase of knowledge and power in the body of Christ in the last several decades, much darkness remains in our land, in the absence of light. Correct doctrine and power have been insufficient to prevent schisms and divisions in the body of Christ. Past outpourings of New Wine have not been sufficient to keep wineskins new. The message in Generational Alignment reveals principles for our relational healing and security, to honour and love as sons and daughters. It is the alignment for the ceiling of our spiritual inheritance of the generation before us, may become the floor of the spiritual inheritance we leave for the generation after us. The plans of the Fathers heart are generational (Psalm 33:11), and the glory of each generation is released through the honour given as sons and daughters. The Lord will command His blessing of life to the house that He is building, a house built generationally, where brothers and sisters are one as sons and daughters, who will lead and make disciples as fathers and mothers. Such is the generation of face-seekers, who do not live in reaction to darkness, but in response to the Fathers goodness. As we turn from our fatherless mindset and ways, He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land. Discover the Generational Alignment of Heaven for healing your heart, family, church, community, city and nation.

Religion & Spirituality
12 September
Reuben Seevaratnam

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