On Pragmatic Functions and Their Correlation with Syntactic Functions: A Functionalist Perspective.
Atlantis, revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos 2006, June, 28, 1
- 5,99 лв.
- 5,99 лв.
Publisher Description
The aim of this paper is to analyse two different text types within a discourse functional framework, in order to determine whether there is a difference in their formal realizations of new and known topics. This will be done by investigating how introductory and given topics are realized in clause structure in a sample of sixty news items and tourist brochures. In line with Biber, I have assumed that linguistic features vary with communicative purpose and topic. The results of the analysis carried out seem to conflict with Dik's claim that the new topics tend to be located towards the final slot of the clause. The study also shows that these two text types differ in terms of how the known topics are realized syntactically. Key words: Functional Grammar, text type, new topic, known topic, subject, initial position