The Man with No Needs The Man with No Needs

The Man with No Needs

Publisher Description

If you have enjoyed the ebook 'Who was oreithyia?' then you should find this book interesting. The character who forms the backbone of the narrative is none other than Joe Magee - nicknamed 'Jomogee'. Joe Magee an entrepreneur extraordinaire and compulsive philanderer who spends his live subverting the very idea of Order as something which serves the Common Good. Exerpt: '.......If we had to choose a patron divinity or daemon for Joe Magee then Hermes would be most qualified to fill this role. Hermes is the divine trickster, the god of boundaries, the god of the transgression of boundaries, the god or patron of merchants, traders, thieves, herdsmen, commerce, roads, trickery, sports, athletics and graves. Hermes moves freely between worlds of the divine and the mortal, he is the conductor of souls into the afterlife or underworld. Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty rejected the advances of Hermes. Hermes did not relent on his desire to have Aphrodite, he went as far as to seek the help of Zeus to seduce Aphrodite. Did Hermes succeed in seducing Aphrodite? I leave that for the reader to find out. I will not tell nor will I show. Let the reader deduce for him or herself......' And so I left Quinn’s home carrying the box filled with all kinds of secrets, imponderables and intangibles mingled and blended with indiscernibles, to my car. I had been given the task of unsealing and making public the secret lives of Quinn, Gabriella, and Raizel in the world of fiction. This was going to be my first work of fiction after a life time of procrastination, now this box which I carried to my car contained everything that I needed in order to write a novel.

Fiction & Literature
15 July
Vincent Gray

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